Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Frequently overheard in the Nelson Household these days:

"It's mine!"

"Yes, it's yours."

"No, it's mine!"

"Yes, it's yours."

"No! It's mine!"

"Okay then, it's mine."

"NO! It's MINE!"

And then, of course, there are the many, many instances where the item in question is not Lola's. Learning to share and learning to talk at the same time is not as easy as it sounds...


  1. please give her a copy of Finding Nemo... "mine mine mine" ;-)

  2. That child is hilarious. This must be a day care thing--learning to share, that is. We've had 2 solid days of rain here and we're loving it--of course it's still not enough to help our lake. Love you and miss you.

  3. @ ij: as soon as we dig up our dvd player, I just might...

    @ Judy: we have been faithfully sending you all the rain we have. We're enjoying the sunny break ourselves. 83 degrees tomorrow!


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